Technology is the answer… but what was the question?

“The usefulness of architecture is to remind its users that the major resource that should be conserved is the human spirit. Therefore an architecture that is responsive to a human being resting, changing its mind, having doubts, having quiet periods, having periods of great activity is the architecture to which I aim” – Cedric Price

Technology is the answer… but what was the question? – Imperica – arts, technology, and media magazine.

For further information about Cedric Price’s Fun Palace: CCA (Canadian Centre for Architecture)

Architecture and Embodiment |Harry Francis Mallgrave


“In recent years we have seen a number of dramatic discoveries within the biological and related sciences. Traditional arguments such as “nature versus nurture” are rapidly disappearing because of the realization that just as we are affecting our environments, so too do these altered environments restructure our cognitive abilities and outlooks. If the biological and technological breakthroughs are promising benefits such as extended life expectancies, these same discoveries also have the potential to improve in significant ways the quality of our built environments. This poses a compelling challenge to conventional architectural theory…”

Source: Architecture and Embodiment – The implications of the new sciences and humanities for design, Routledge, 2013 (Amazon)



Digestible Gulf Stream, Philippe Rahm architectes, 2008

Architecture, Technology and the Body: From the Prehuman to the Posthuman | Jonathan Hale


Gelbes Herz, 1968 by Haus-Rucker-Co

“Given that so much of our productive life is spent in front of a computer screen, it may be that a newly re-embodied digital interface may yet allow us to rediscover it. However they may be enhanced, augmented, redefined and reconfigured, our bodies are – as Merleau-Ponty has suggested – the only means we have to go to the ‘heart of things’ ”

Source: Architecture, Technology and the Body: From the Prehuman to the Posthuman (Academia) by Dr. Jonathan Hale


Altering Features with WH5, 2010 by Hyungkoo Lee


i-city | Russian (Augmented) Pavilion

An interesting pavilion designed by SPEECH Tchoban/Kuznetsov using a series of QR-codes wrapping the inside of the Russian Pavilion spaces.

source: Venice Biennale 2012: i-city / Russia Pavilion | ArchDaily.

more pictures on notcot

Spatial Computing | Simon Greenwold


“We have arrived at a critical point in the history of the machine in space. Engineers are rapidly banishing the last moving parts from consumer electronics, allowing the machines to shrink into near invisibility. Bulky CRTs are yielding to flat panels, allowing us to embed them into the surfaces we use daily and to free up valuable “real estate” on our desks. The businesses of computer vision andgraphics have pushed our abilities to recover spatial information from the world at large and represent it recognizably to the eye. The long-standing divide between the idealized spaces of computer science and the heavy, cluttered spaces of real-world engineering are wider than ever, polarizing research around the world. Now that computation’s denial of physicality has gone about as far as it can, it is time for a reclamation of space as a computational medium.”


Link to the thesis here

Link to Simon Greenwold’s page (@MIT Media Lab) here



Conférences ISC Paris | “Pluralité des pluralités de l’espace” par Jean-Michel Salanskis

“Jean-Michel Salanskis explique de manière convaincante qu’il y certes plusieurs espaces mais qu’ il y a plusieurs manières de pluraliser l’espace, plusieurs points de vue, plusieurs niveaux qui ouvrent une compréhension et un regard sur plusieurs espaces. Autrement dit  pluralité de pluralité de l’espace, qui fait écho à l’événement scientifique célèbre du 19e siècle “la révolution dite des géométries non-euclidiennes”.

Source: Studyrama Grandes Ecoles

Lev Manovich – The Poetics of Augmented Space

Lev Manovich’s paper (2002, updated 2005)

Lev Manovich – The Poetics of Augmented Space.